Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Chronicles of Frodo (Week in Review)

It has been an interesting week living in the land of the giants. I don’t know anything about them till my little world turned upside down. Because Mum and Dad used to avoid them I thought they were scary creatures. I find now that they are quite interesting. They seem to get around a lot in boxes on wheels and have a magic box they get their food out of instead of hunting. They gave me a collar with a little bell that slips around my waste like a belt. They know quite a few tricks too like how to make fleas disappear (thank goodness because they were itchy). The giant that got me out of the canal fusses over me. I have trained him well because he feeds me every two hours and plays with me a lot. I have gotten a lot of energy back and he seems to have noticed because he is showing me more of his world. I will keep you all informed as to what else I find out.

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