Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tea Party Blues

I wrote earlier about a buck’s party that should more aptly be labeled a “Tea Party”. I have two brothers that are currently engaged. I wrote my mind on the fiancée to the groom to be but it is my other brother’s fiancée that has me up in arms. The best man decided that if there was to be no stripper that he would employ a lingerie waitress to serve drinks and nothing more. Honestly you would see more flesh at any beach on any given sunny day than what was on display that night.

That being said, the fiancée in question has left my brother on the grounds that he had lied to her about the going on’s at the bucks party, a brother that left when she waitress turned up so as to avoid this problem. I have two pussy whipped brothers. The image above was not taken at the event but is what the two fiancées would like to believe that even was like. So to aid them I have done a photo shop composite to help their image because there was nothing I could take at the event that could suit.

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