Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Ideal is Love

I am not here to give any definitive answer on what love is, only to say that it is an ideal and as in all ideals it is flawed. It is something that people try to achieve without really knowing what it is. Having said that I write this in reaction to be called homophobic without anyone knowing what my views on the subject really is. So I write it hear and say that they are the thoughts form my point of view. I respect that yours may differ but allow me the respect to voice mine.

There is definite distinction between what “love” is perceived as and sex. Some may use sex as a way of communicating love while others may use it as a “sport and others have a combination of the two. I accept all of the above. I accept all of the above regardless of whether if is of mixed gender of same gender.

I think love as a beautiful thing that is shared between two people; I also accept that it comes in many forms. I believe it to be an ideal that two people share and strive to achieve. It is a subjective ideal that the two share and in that regard is beyond any judgment. I don’t have a problem with two people being of the same sex striving for that ideal.

Having said that, the only problem with homosexual groups is that they are formed on their preference on “bed fellows”. It has the same relevance to me as choosing the chicken or the beef. If a person has a preference to one over the other, what difference is it to what I choose? There are those that will have an appetite for both. Using this image, I may not like having the opposite to my appetite being presented on my plate but that has nothing to do with who is eating the chicken or the beef. What a person has an appetite for has nothing do with me because I will choose my preferred dish. I demand the respect of having my choice just as I accept you having yours.

I now stand by what I said above. It is my subjective point of view. I accept that yours many differ and accept that. But as to labeling me as a homophobic, having said my mind, I would ask who has the problem?


Anonymous said...

You do.

Mr. Cellophane said...

Dear amoymous,

I respect that you may feel that way after I have presented my view. I do, however, feel it cowardly that you would not enlighten me as to why. If you are in possession of a point of view that would alter my thinking then why hide it. Or is it rather that you would just keep your position secrtet because it is easier to hate than to be accountable for your point of view?

There are two sides to every story and I have presented mine after a lot of lateral thinking. It is in latteral thinking and not a singular point of view that the understanding can be reached. But then again it may take some thinking on your behalf to accept the difference between understanding and acceptance. Opposing point of views are fuel to understandings even if acceptance is not reached. It does, however, give a grounding for both points of view to exist in harmony.

Anonymous said...

I would venture to say that "we", those of us who are not Homosexuals are expected to be as children. Seen but not heard. It was not sound reasoning back in the day, nor is it today. If "we" have an opinion then we are labeled. But all hell would break loose if we were to apply the same to "those" who love differently. We would be slapped with a hate crime. Fair should be just that! Just my humble opinion.

Mr. Cellophane said...

Dear Prudence,

First, forgive me for not replying to your comment sooner but I really value your opinion on this matter. I do like the analogy that you used in describing heterosexuals as children and can see that on many levels. I think I produced a balanced argument and even so got a comment that I still have a problem. I am assuming that is was form homosexual but as they have chosen to be anonymous I cannot be sure. If they are then I can only assume that I am being deemed ignorant because I cannot possibly understand “gay” love as I am not one. But I hold the view that love is not a gender specific, other it is an ideal. And as such I find understanding in that two humans can celebrate it in whatever manner they choose. If it is deemed that heterosexuality is the normal, then why is it when someone of this group tries to find understanding that they are even more hated. I think the whole issue is not one of acceptance but hate. It seems that the lust for rebellion against the norm cannot be achieved if they cannot perceive an enemy. But that is another issue entirely.