Monday, July 9, 2007

The Journey

I have long professed that life is not about the destination but the journey. That along the way you can find some things of beauty that would otherwise be insignificant. Sometimes it is worth just taking the time out along the way or turning your head while you walk to just enjoy the view, even to stop every once and a while to breath. Beauty can be all around you sometimes if you take the time to see it.


Anonymous said...

I love this pic and I know how bloody cold it was when you took it. It'll take a while for my eyes to become used to looking for the unusual.
Thinking of you, missing your voice xoxoxox

Mr. Cellophane said...

I am not used to answering comments but you are right about the cold but it was extrodinary to see that moss covered in snow on a log looking the way it did. The point being that by the side of the road there was something quite beautiful if you just took the time to look,

Anonymous said...

well, next time we do something like that and i don't have a runny nose and a temp i'll get out of the car and look.
But I admit I love your eye for things babe.

Vic said...

How you doin? This is a shot in the dark... but help me out if you read this, please. Cellophane, is she okay? I'm worried sick.

Anonymous said...

I love you !:)