Thursday, November 22, 2007

Going to Miss You George

22 November 2007 makes the passing of a good friend. It was my sad duty to take a loyal member of the family to the Vet and to return without him. He was brought to the family 17 years ago and this picture was taken this year while he still looked like he was still a puppy but in dog years he was 121 years old.

He had a fetish for human food and never much liked dog food. A fussy eater he was more human than dog. He was always willing to lend a paw even if it just got in the way. A dog who’s barking woke me to a home intruder or trespasser more than once. His early warning to one last year helped save my life.

I ask your forgiveness as I saw your big brown eyes close for the last time today. I wish you rest and to never again suffer form that brain tumor. I am going to miss you old mate.

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