Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The World in Rewind

It was a beautiful serene morning, about 3 am and the stars were bright and all lit up because of the full moon. Now some may wonder what you would be doing awake at this time of the morning but those who know me know that I don’t sleep very well. So I was indulging in my dirty nicotine out the front of my house, because I don’t smoke inside when I heard the sound of footsteps. There was not a soul about, as you may expect at this time of the morning, so I looked up the street to see what the causing them. There in the middle of the road was a tracksuit wearing, grey haired thing approaching me. So you may think nothing of that but he was approaching me backwards.

At this weird hour, the full moon and this weird site I thought I had just entered the Twilight Zone. There was nothing else to gauge time by so I thought for a second that time was going backward and here I was stuck in some place between time, like in some Dean Kontz novel. Add to that what would a grey haired man be doing at that time of the morning walking down the road backwards.

I finished my ciggy and hurried inside to look at a clock just to make sure I was not stuck in a world on rewind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss you. Please come home.