Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Fraction Out
Most things in life are absolute, you live or you die, you achieve successes or you fail. Then there is that area that does not fit on the black and white scale. That area that makes no sense and you find that leads to a wonderland when you explore it. It is much like a hidden station that is ready to whisk you away if only you can find its entrance. You usually find it hidden and in plane view, it was always there but because it did not fit into your black and white scale, it doesn’t look anything like you perceive it should.
It reveals itself at the most unusual time, when you are near breaking point and not on one platform or the other and you don’t find the entrance but stumble onto it when blindly fleeting form one to the next. It is that wrong turn that finds you in a place you have not been before. There you are so over come with confusion and wonderment that the state that found you find this place fades and there you are left to explore a grey area.
You don’t know what to find here but the more you look the more you find and reality seems to disappear. But you have made the tragic mistake of leaving yourself contactable. The world you left behind is hunting you down to bring you back to black and white. So you leave your little novena as those thoughts in this place would spoil it.
But I have found the entrance to my platform 9 ¾ and no hospital or doctor is taking that away from me. I stand on the precipice of a new horizon whose soil I will spoil either with boots or wheels. Either way it is a land that I will return too and never come back form.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
9:40 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pee TV
In my travels I stumbled onto an idea that I think is both interesting and wrong. While the pic above may seem innocent enough but its location is what has me worried. Now it may be true that some men cannot go without their sport but a restaurant has taken it to the extreme for this little screen is locate at eye level above a urinal. There is something not right standing next to a man expelling his bodily fluids and getting excited at his team about to score. Or seeing men huddling together to see the game while peeing either. While it may be a novel concept, the thought of rouge trouser wetting is off putting.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
4:33 PM
Labels: disturbing, PeeTV
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Tea Party Blues
I wrote earlier about a buck’s party that should more aptly be labeled a “Tea Party”. I have two brothers that are currently engaged. I wrote my mind on the fiancée to the groom to be but it is my other brother’s fiancée that has me up in arms. The best man decided that if there was to be no stripper that he would employ a lingerie waitress to serve drinks and nothing more. Honestly you would see more flesh at any beach on any given sunny day than what was on display that night.
That being said, the fiancée in question has left my brother on the grounds that he had lied to her about the going on’s at the bucks party, a brother that left when she waitress turned up so as to avoid this problem. I have two pussy whipped brothers. The image above was not taken at the event but is what the two fiancées would like to believe that even was like. So to aid them I have done a photo shop composite to help their image because there was nothing I could take at the event that could suit.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
9:13 AM
Labels: bucks party, Tea Party
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Unwanted Memories
This is the dread every time my friend comes around; he always wants to walk down memory lane. Today he saw a project I was working on and later sent me a picture I had long forgotten. The original to the picture above was taken many years ago. I thought I had lost all photos of me when I was younger but apparently there is still one in his possession. So he sent me a scan of this one because he knows that I am going to burn it if I ever get my hands on it. Since I broke my back, memories like this, is something I don’t need.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
5:19 AM
Labels: Unwanted Memories
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Who Said Rainy Days Are Not Eventful.

Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
12:20 AM
Labels: rainy days
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
There Is No Such Thing as Secret Men’s Business.
Next week is my brother’s buck’s party and his best man has organized it with my brother’s help. They had planned that there would be a stripper there and there was no secret made of the fact. My brother rang me today and informed me that his bride to be has taken offence to this and has issued an ultimatum “There is to be no stripper of there will be no wedding”.
I don’t care if there is one there or not as I am going for my brother. What I have taken offence too is the ultimatum. I am appalled that the bride to be is trying to assert her dominance over him and take control of the proceedings. Especially when she had been informed the whole time of the plans and no such courtesy has been extended about her hen’s night.
Having worked in the wedding industry, I can say that, on the whole, buck’s parties are quite tame affairs as compared to hen’s nights. Perhaps my brother’s fiancée would prefer that we have a tea party with scones. I know that she has a night out planned with the girls and no details other than that are forthcoming.
Which brings me to weddings in general which are all about the bride. The groom is nothing more than the money bags that stands there and pays for some woman to live a fairytale for a day. In the case of my brother, it is she that has the final say on all the plans and it is typical of most weddings. The one day that my brother gets to celebrate with friends and family in a manner in which he has chosen is now too marred by her dominance.
Enough is enough. The writing is on the wall for my brother and if he cannot see that he is going to be under the thumb of a control freak for the rest of his married days then I have the perfect wedding gift for you. A gelding knife.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
8:56 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Inner Screams.
When all you have to do is run with the facts, people want to embellish them with useless chatter. The decision has been made and all I have to do is make a simple transfer and it is all done but while I am waiting, and been hurried to a location I don’t want to be right now, I have time to write a protest while waiting for the last minute change in pans to be reverted back to the original and the right people informed.
I am sitting here screaming inside “Why change the plans on a whim without thinking?” Why do people do this to me all the time? If you make a decision then stick to it like people expect me too. I have to remain steadfast in my decisions in everything I do.
Finally a decision and I can get back to doing what it is I have to.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
11:02 PM
Labels: rant
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
They Redundancy of Man.
Thank you 60 minutes for showing the world your piece on designer babies. How women are now out there with web sights, shopping for a child instead of concentrating on a relationship. The lack of men and finding the right man seems to be the problem that is most commonly sighted in the interviews with women you presented. However, you ignored the issues that ensue form such activities and the financial benefits that single mothers by choice receive. Subsequent research has shown that these women who are single mothers by choice are entitled to the baby bonus, are entitled to family assistance payments and, if necessary, single mothers pension. It does not take a mental genius to see that any initial cost is recovers and profited on.
The male of the species is now in as much decline as they were during the days of Egyptian and Roman rule. Men are seen as nothing more valuable as a bull for beef production. Only the prize bull is kept and milked for reproductive capability while the rest go to either bullock teams for manual labor or beef production, while the self-made mothers are now nothing more than a cow with the ability to shop.
If the trend continues then the men will never get the joy of being a father and knowing and nurturing the growth of an infant. Your article only proves that men are only good for going to work to keep the economy going and paying taxes to support women who chose to raise children on their own.
Your presentation only shows the human race as nothing more than a cattle herd.
Posted by
Mr. Cellophane
2:56 AM
Labels: rant, single mothers by choice, slavery