Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fading to the Background

When someone you care about deeply calls themselves a creature and then tells you what they don’t deserve, it is upsetting. It becomes anger because you feel you have been placed in a position where no matter what you say or do is going to be of help. You see the seam’s of their ego open and you want to mend them but can’t. Their esteem oozes from the gaps but you have nothing to fill the void with. Recognition of your actions is missed because they want to be spoon fed the words. But to spoon feed those words is open for interpretation and can be later taken as hollow.

Then you come to a point were you assess how much you are a part of this problem and see that It may be your fault, so you become less involved, even though you don’t want too. You want this person to be a part of your life that you will settle with the less frequent contact than not at all. You want to tell them that you are there for them when they need you. You wish you could find a way to say that they are the most beautiful thing on this earth to you.

But silence seems to be the only thing that comes out of your mouth and you fade to the background because I don’t have the words convince you of my integrity.

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