Chronicles of Frodo (Left in a Quandary)

It was only days ago that I was hungry, cold, weak and living in a storm water drain, I didn’t even have a name. My world was about hiding in pipes and waiting to see if my mummy would get me out of there. I would see her; Dad and my brothers and sisters looking at me form the top of the drain. I think I must have done something to upset them because they keep hitting me.

My world changed in the last few days when some two legged giants entered my drain. (they were scary). So I hid in a pipe in the wall of the drain hoping they would go away. It was going to rain, I could smell the water in the air and the sky was black so at least I would be dry. I could hear the giants doing things and shining lights into my pipe so I went in further, (they couldn’t reach me in here).

Later it was quiet and I could smell food and mummy appeared. The giants left something behind with some food inside (silly humans) so after mummy had got some for my brothers and sisters and herself I thought I should get some. That is where everything changed for me. The thing I was in must have been broken because when I went into it to get the food; it shut, trapping me inside it. One of the giants must have remembered where he left his food because he came back into the drain to get it. (I was very scared now because I couldn’t get out)

He took me to a place where there were other giants and they seemed to fuss over me a lot. Then back to the big cave next to my drain where he has keep me and fed me. He has given me my own pipe to sleep in, but this one is clean and warm. I am feeling a lot better can see out of my right eye again. The fleas that I had are gone and the giant that took me out of the drain fusses over me a lot. He gave me a name, he calls me Frodo, and I like it. I don’t know what is going to happen to me next but for now I am quite content.

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