Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Counterproductively of Revenge

Set for execution are those responsible for the Bali bombings. I was listening to a late night talk back show on the radio which discussed this issue. The host is normally opposed to the death penalty but openly stated that his opinion on this matter was the inverse. Callers were in support and even claimed to want to witness the executions.

I am against the executions and the death penalty. What I heard on the radio station was nothing more than blood lust and revenge. What is more, you are granting those to be executed the level of martyrdom, something that they have openly expressed to want and ironically tried to avoid by exhausting every avenue of appeal. By keeping them alive and incarcerated you are keeping them as examples to the world that these people are really cowards and that they will die in a cell not as a martyr but a prisoner of a crime against humanity. What is more, by keeping them alive, their supporters expose themselves. The amount of intelligence that can be gained by motioning supporters has the potential to prevent any future occurrence. By granting these people their martyrdom will give silent examples anti social cells to follow and provide them with anonymity to move freely.

Our goal is supposed to be preventing anther Bali, 9/11, London and Spain bombings. Not cry and lust for revenge for such incidents that may be yet to come. To do so is to make the innocent victims die in vein. They are the true martyrs and have the capacity to be heroes in the way we deal with and exposing anti social cells.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am just minutes on form talking to the police in front of my parent’s house. A man who seemed to be intoxicated asked me for help because he was being followed. Now every story has two sides and what I could see that there was a man and a young boy walking the bottom of the street.

The man that had approached me went to his friend’s place across the road and who had just arrived while I rang the police at his request. While he was across the road another man, apart form the one accompanying the child turned up and confronted him. All I could hear form my vantage point were claims of pedophilia and threats of physical injury to this man.

I had not seen the event in question so I was in no place to judge. If the claims were true I would be first in line to condemn the man who had asked for my assistance. But now the men confronting the one who asked for my assistance grew in number and his friend had asked him to leave. The group was joined by women and another boy.

During all this my mother and grand mother arrived home form church. The police arrived and while my family was in the house, none came out. Instead all they did was to close the front door, effectively locking me out of the house while I kept vigil to see this man did not get hurt and his side of the story be told.

There is the hypocrisy. So called Christians getting the opportunity to practice what they preach and the best they could do was close the door.

The confrontation ended peacefully for those who are interested and the parties went their separate ways.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bush Turkey

I used to think the only wild turkey in Australia came out of a Burbon bottle. Today I was proven wrong by a close encounter with a bush turkey.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hand Caught in the Cookie Jar

There is a line in the Indiana Jones films that rings true. While standing before a class he announces that “Archeology is the search for ‘Fact’, not truth”. He then suggests that if his students are looking for “truth” that they attend the theology class down the hall. What he failed to mention is that the meaning of fact is subject to its interpretation. Hence making it, almost, as meaningless at truth as you have to have some faith in the interpretation for it to be true.

This all goes beyond the scope of what I am ranting about. My rant is based on the actual experiences and patterns that I have observed when confronting people with “fact”. Gone are the days of honor, where a person would admit to a fact and face the consequences of their actions. We live in a world of paranoia where the facing of a face it met with shock. “Facts”, are now seen as a danger. A person is unwilling to accept responsibility for having their hand caught in the cookie jar. Like a cornered animal it will evoke the fight or fight syndrome. With the only way out being past you, they will barge at you to get past or fight with mud. This is an understanding that I came to long ago. My reactions of understanding the actions were not understood by a friend in a recent conversation.

I had an incident that my primitive actions would have been to do physical harm to the perpetrator of a crime toward me. My understanding of their reactions to the facts was greeted quizzically and not really understood. What they don’t understand is that I have invited to battle and the first thing to do is understand my enemy. If I react on instinct then all I achieve is a brawl with either no end or a best man standing situation. I can charge in with justifiable demands and enter his battle ground. I can expend my resources in skirmishes that would be best used in a crushing blow. As they are backed into a corner and wish to sling mud, I can listen to where they believe my weaknesses are. I can let them divulge their battle plan for the mess they have caused. In so, they show their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The more desperate their justifications are the more unstable their battle ground becomes.

I have no time for truth anymore but fact. It seems that truth is the area in faith and I have lost my faith in humanity but have learned to understand its predatory mechanisms.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Walk in the Forest

If I never went to the forest behind your childhood home I would never have known where you had gone. I know that a year ago you left us to find peace and it is there I can felt your presence. When I saw it I can understand why you would be there.

On an otherwise insignificant day you waited till you were on your own to take your journey. You didn’t want to burden those around you and quietly went about what had to be done. This is so in character with the way you lived your life. All you wanted was your false teeth so that you could look presentable before departing.

There is no fanfare today and that is most probably how you would like it. I only wanted to tell you that you are missed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Truth in Advertising

My reaction to a feminist's comments that men would not like advisements demeaning the size of their manhood. Well a NSW government have been doing it for a while now.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Clear Enough?

To all those wanting to know my reaction to the lesbian couple suing an IVF doctor for a second twin, there it is. They lost their case in the Supreme Court and I am tired of interviews tying to justify their behavior. Why are they now not under investigation by the relevant authorities as suitable parents and have both children removed form their care? And, what if, the doctor had terminated one of the children and its behavior was not to their liking, would they have tried to sue the doctor for terminating the wrong twin?

They are reported as saying that they were deeply disappointed with the courts decision. That is understandable; they didn’t get a man to pay for raising their child. Which makes them no different form any other single mother that expects the same.

To their clams over relationship stress caused by having a twin: I have already given my suggestion.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Serpent’s Defeat

Proudly he looms over the cold blooded legless tyranny. The venomous coil of flesh lies dead at his feet. Now nothing more than a mass of dead rope.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Why do some keep hassling for results while hindering the process? Again I am faced with the questions as to when something will be ready by the very people that have moved the equipment that I need for the job. When I ask for said equipment, invariably I get the same answer. They do not know and will not lift a finger to help find it. Even when it was they that moved it and what right did they have to touch it in the fist place.

I am tired of finding hiding places for things that I do not want others to touch but it has come to that. I have an order in which I keep things and a system to approach jobs. Now my little cashes are being raided. What sick pleasure do people get out of making two second jobs last for hours in the searching for equipment that should be at hand.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Sometimes the picture does all the talking for you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shrouding the Emptiness.

I was a party to a conversation that made me reflect. There was a time where I felt nothing more than a hollow shell. Where my clothes shrouded nothing more than a shroud for an empty being and my mind pondered the notion of making the outer shell match the inner nothingness. This refection gave me an insight to a dark world I thought was the realm of cowards. Had I not experienced a situation that drove me to this contemplation I would still feel the same. Yet does this knowledge make me wiser or weaker?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Simple Treasures

There are some things that you can’t put a price on and moments you would never expect to be so valuable.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Done Found Me A Bear

Far from my best efforts at photography but I challange anyone to get the real camera out of the boot when this guy is next to your car.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome to Hazard

I don’t know about you but a tank as a welcoming tool seems a little ironic but as I have discovered they are common place. Hmmm… better behave.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Respect All Life

A celebration to the ideals of Albert Einstein using painted bears. Each nation being painted by a esteemed artist form that nation. Australia being represented by Ken Done.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Drive the Ukraine

Where accidents become monuments.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sleepy Moments

Weather you identify yourself as the horse pulling the load or the driver, one universal constant remains: sometimes you just need to stop and take a break.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


With the coming of the new morning we remember that those we love are not with us. Despite the absence of their physical presence, we carry their memory as they trail a new path. For those that we love are never gone we only need to close our eyes to see them now.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Feelings of Eduard Delacroix

For those of you who don’t know the movie “The Green Mile”, Eduard was a character that was to be put to death for a crime. During his extinction, he was betrayed by a nasty little cuss and then had, what was to be a clean and relatively painless death, sabotaged. I know that one person out there will think that this is a martyr’s rant but at the moment I feel like I have been strapped to my own private electric chair.

In a few days I do to do something that I am dreading. Only to find out, the night before my brother’s wedding, I have had my brother take a large sum of money from me, the will I had left in his care not actioned and placed in a situation that would have ruined my other bother’s wedding if I didn’t restrain myself.

I am now faced with trying not to let a friend down and am feel the shame of not being able to help. I am going on a trip which is akin to the sabotaged execution mentioned above and all because I have trusted unconditionally. A slap in the face I have been wearing time and again and expected to cope with, where others do not seem to realize that I know the truth behind things and want to carry on as if I didn’t. Like the false face of Percy, I have let on that I have known only to be greeted with lies in return.

So to be prepared, in the event of my switch being thrown, to those I have said, “I love you”, it was always sincere and never a throw away string of words. To those I have offended, I apologize. To those who have taken from me, I wish you find joy in your hollow lives.

I have tried to atone for my wrongs and if that is not enough, I did my best.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mailbox Monday

I found Percy’s house and wonder if the Easter Bunny is really the Fat Controller in a rabbit suit.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Fraction Out

Most things in life are absolute, you live or you die, you achieve successes or you fail. Then there is that area that does not fit on the black and white scale. That area that makes no sense and you find that leads to a wonderland when you explore it. It is much like a hidden station that is ready to whisk you away if only you can find its entrance. You usually find it hidden and in plane view, it was always there but because it did not fit into your black and white scale, it doesn’t look anything like you perceive it should.

It reveals itself at the most unusual time, when you are near breaking point and not on one platform or the other and you don’t find the entrance but stumble onto it when blindly fleeting form one to the next. It is that wrong turn that finds you in a place you have not been before. There you are so over come with confusion and wonderment that the state that found you find this place fades and there you are left to explore a grey area.

You don’t know what to find here but the more you look the more you find and reality seems to disappear. But you have made the tragic mistake of leaving yourself contactable. The world you left behind is hunting you down to bring you back to black and white. So you leave your little novena as those thoughts in this place would spoil it.

But I have found the entrance to my platform 9 ¾ and no hospital or doctor is taking that away from me. I stand on the precipice of a new horizon whose soil I will spoil either with boots or wheels. Either way it is a land that I will return too and never come back form.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pee TV

In my travels I stumbled onto an idea that I think is both interesting and wrong. While the pic above may seem innocent enough but its location is what has me worried. Now it may be true that some men cannot go without their sport but a restaurant has taken it to the extreme for this little screen is locate at eye level above a urinal. There is something not right standing next to a man expelling his bodily fluids and getting excited at his team about to score. Or seeing men huddling together to see the game while peeing either. While it may be a novel concept, the thought of rouge trouser wetting is off putting.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Blowing Off Steam

Some people will go to extreme measures to blow off a little steam.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tea Party Blues

I wrote earlier about a buck’s party that should more aptly be labeled a “Tea Party”. I have two brothers that are currently engaged. I wrote my mind on the fiancée to the groom to be but it is my other brother’s fiancée that has me up in arms. The best man decided that if there was to be no stripper that he would employ a lingerie waitress to serve drinks and nothing more. Honestly you would see more flesh at any beach on any given sunny day than what was on display that night.

That being said, the fiancée in question has left my brother on the grounds that he had lied to her about the going on’s at the bucks party, a brother that left when she waitress turned up so as to avoid this problem. I have two pussy whipped brothers. The image above was not taken at the event but is what the two fiancées would like to believe that even was like. So to aid them I have done a photo shop composite to help their image because there was nothing I could take at the event that could suit.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Unwanted Memories

This is the dread every time my friend comes around; he always wants to walk down memory lane. Today he saw a project I was working on and later sent me a picture I had long forgotten. The original to the picture above was taken many years ago. I thought I had lost all photos of me when I was younger but apparently there is still one in his possession. So he sent me a scan of this one because he knows that I am going to burn it if I ever get my hands on it. Since I broke my back, memories like this, is something I don’t need.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mailbox Monday

I found the Fintstones

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Harley on a Honda

Japanese motorcycles have tried to copy the classic Harley design for years. Not content with that they have now reverted to their own designs with the Fat Boy on top.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Who Said Rainy Days Are Not Eventful.

Here I was thinking it was going to be a dreary rainy day with nothing much to do or see when a careless driver soon fixed that situation. Even though they had to cut the back door out of the white car, no one was hurt.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mailbox Monday

If pigs fly, do you get air mail?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

There Is No Such Thing as Secret Men’s Business.

Next week is my brother’s buck’s party and his best man has organized it with my brother’s help. They had planned that there would be a stripper there and there was no secret made of the fact. My brother rang me today and informed me that his bride to be has taken offence to this and has issued an ultimatum “There is to be no stripper of there will be no wedding”.

I don’t care if there is one there or not as I am going for my brother. What I have taken offence too is the ultimatum. I am appalled that the bride to be is trying to assert her dominance over him and take control of the proceedings. Especially when she had been informed the whole time of the plans and no such courtesy has been extended about her hen’s night.

Having worked in the wedding industry, I can say that, on the whole, buck’s parties are quite tame affairs as compared to hen’s nights. Perhaps my brother’s fiancée would prefer that we have a tea party with scones. I know that she has a night out planned with the girls and no details other than that are forthcoming.

Which brings me to weddings in general which are all about the bride. The groom is nothing more than the money bags that stands there and pays for some woman to live a fairytale for a day. In the case of my brother, it is she that has the final say on all the plans and it is typical of most weddings. The one day that my brother gets to celebrate with friends and family in a manner in which he has chosen is now too marred by her dominance.

Enough is enough. The writing is on the wall for my brother and if he cannot see that he is going to be under the thumb of a control freak for the rest of his married days then I have the perfect wedding gift for you. A gelding knife.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Inner Screams.

When all you have to do is run with the facts, people want to embellish them with useless chatter. The decision has been made and all I have to do is make a simple transfer and it is all done but while I am waiting, and been hurried to a location I don’t want to be right now, I have time to write a protest while waiting for the last minute change in pans to be reverted back to the original and the right people informed.

I am sitting here screaming inside “Why change the plans on a whim without thinking?” Why do people do this to me all the time? If you make a decision then stick to it like people expect me too. I have to remain steadfast in my decisions in everything I do.

Finally a decision and I can get back to doing what it is I have to.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

They Redundancy of Man.

Thank you 60 minutes for showing the world your piece on designer babies. How women are now out there with web sights, shopping for a child instead of concentrating on a relationship. The lack of men and finding the right man seems to be the problem that is most commonly sighted in the interviews with women you presented. However, you ignored the issues that ensue form such activities and the financial benefits that single mothers by choice receive. Subsequent research has shown that these women who are single mothers by choice are entitled to the baby bonus, are entitled to family assistance payments and, if necessary, single mothers pension. It does not take a mental genius to see that any initial cost is recovers and profited on.

The male of the species is now in as much decline as they were during the days of Egyptian and Roman rule. Men are seen as nothing more valuable as a bull for beef production. Only the prize bull is kept and milked for reproductive capability while the rest go to either bullock teams for manual labor or beef production, while the self-made mothers are now nothing more than a cow with the ability to shop.

If the trend continues then the men will never get the joy of being a father and knowing and nurturing the growth of an infant. Your article only proves that men are only good for going to work to keep the economy going and paying taxes to support women who chose to raise children on their own.

Your presentation only shows the human race as nothing more than a cattle herd.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blowing in the Wind

Here is a legacy of our modern ingenuity, a monument for all future ages that we are no smarter than we were hundreds of years ago. We take the idea of using wind use state of the art technology to mimic what our ancestors have known for centuries. If we put an air foil on an axel, the wind will turn it. How clever are we to do nothing more than make variable pitched blades on the axel and make our windmills so much bigger.

But unlike the windmills the Dutch have been using for centuries, you cannot fix these monstrosities with the use of some spare canvas and a ladder. Or use a spare sheet of tin, like farmers have done, for again, centuries. You need a crane and extraordinary amount of manpower and time to replace a single blade worth millions and unit remains off line for a substantial period.

What’s next? Do we use a modified paddlewheel in a river to do the same things that the Chinese have done for thousands of years? Do we make the cost so extraordinary and make contraptions hard to maintain and cost a fortune?

I am all for alternative energy but to mimic our ancestors and make a mess of the whole thing is another thing all together. Somewhere, no thought has gone into maintenance and initial cost. I took this photo at a “Wind Farm” outside Blaney. It has a viewing area so that you can see how intelligent and advanced we have become.

All I can say is what a travesty.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dragon Fly Wings

Some people are known to have accidents trying to shoo out a bug while driving. Then there are silly people like me who try to photograph them while driving. Just so you know I did pull over but left him on my windscreen while I drove on.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bad Ideas

Pulling out in front of a truck and not giving it room to stop.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Not sure what to say about this other than it was a huge moth and made an interesting pic.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Along Came a Spider

Now it is annoying when you follow the same path all the time and find that you have walked straight into a Spider’s web. Then you see the thing that made the web and it is huge.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Recording Expletives Can Save Your Sanity

Today’s mobile phones have a plethora of gadgets that take ages to explore. One such function of my phone, (which I have owned for over a year now) is a voice recorder. Last weekend I used it to record a verse that I imitate in bad humor. It is a set of expletives directed to a dog. If you herd it not knowing the context is sounds racist.

Having met the author of the verse, over the weekend, I took the time to ask him to recite his verse for me. Though bemused at such a request he did and not knowing the device that well had set it as my ring tone. It gave me a quizzical look when I heard the expletives while driving.

I later learned it to be a means to keep your sanity when having repetitive useless ramble aimed at you. Play the little recording and people tend to not talk to you anymore and look at you shocked. I can honestly say that it saved my sanity.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Robert Landon’s Notebook

Robert Landon. “Symbols are a Language…as the saying goes; a picture says a thousand words but which words”

Intenerate for me this image..

If you had thought it looks like a simple equation that if you shower with this product and use this spray you will end up with multiple women you would be incorrect as examination of symbols tell a different story.

If you noticed it is enclosed in brackets on each end. This is the symbol of a woman’s vaginal opening with the equation inserted inside of it. This denotes how to achieve getting inside that opening.

A closer look at the formula and the first character looks like showering with a certain product.

The second that you should use a certain spray.

The third that you will end up with two women.

In essence the misinterpretation would read that you will end up with a threesome of one man and two women if you follow these steps. How ever it is incorrect.

If you look closely at the effigy of the woman on the right, you will notice that it is adorned with two symbols of man and that they are joined. (the symbol for man being an upward facing triangle)

And one of woman its own. . (A downward facing triangle)

And the squared symbol in the upper right hand corner gives the result a whole new meaning.
The resulting interpretation then reads, that if you take that two squared equals four and that one squared still equals one, that if you follow the steps indicated, while pursuing a females opening. a single male (denoted by the effigy in the centre), will find himself thinking he is going to have a threesome with two women when in actual fact he will end up having sex with four men while being watched by one woman. If he employs this formula to get there.

You may have noticed that there are characters in blue.

The reverse “Z” being the symbol for ban or undo, hence serving as a warning to remove or not do.

the removal of the blue portions the equation looks like this.

Its interoperation then changes, that if you have a clean penis and a muscular physique you may have sex with two naked women at once. So in essence this lithograph then serves as a warning, "Do not use this product if you want this desired effect".

Robert Langdon.

Mailbox Monday

Environmentally friendly letterbox. I wonder if they only accept letterers written on recycled paper.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Granddad

This is the first year I didn’t get to shake your hand or give you a hug. This is also the first year we didn’t share a bad dirty joke that would se us giggle and everyone look at us with scorn. So I am offering you a prayer:

Dear Lord,

May Jozef’s Bacardi always cold and his women hot.

Happy birthday.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Some Days You Just Can’t Win

Getting my car back after three weeks with the pain mobile should be a blessing and I thought it was till I tried to connect my trailer to her. It seems panel beaters do not make good auto electricians. Not only did the trailer lights not work at all, I got a fault message that I now have to seek out and the battery went flat on me. Thank goodness she still drives as well as she ever did.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What a Day

Sometimes you have one of those days that seem to have everything and yesterday was one such day. It started by rushing my neighbor to hospital because she had a mini-stroke and I thought that would be enough. I then got to see my car because the repairers have a difficulty with something, so I am off to try and sought that out today. The TV is broken which means no soccer….Yay. I got a call from a mate to try and sought out his car for a registration inspection, a Lightning bolt hitting a pole next to me (never saw that before), a hail storm, a road trip through a storm, a car moving on its own as I was walking toward it, a threat and last but not least a beer (which felt so good even though I don’t drink). The other bonus was I got to here the Popey theme for the fist time in years.

Yep some days just have bits of everything.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mailbox Monday

It all started like this, a drive and you see something unusual by the side of the road and you think it will make a great pic. Then you read someone else’s blog and now have excuse to hunt down these unusual monuments and post them. These mailboxs started me on my quest. In the days of old it was common to behead a foe and place their head on a pike as a sign of your victory. Now days you can use them to receive your mail too.

Now I am a blogging moron so I am supposed to link back but will do that once my education levels exceed that of just being able to post (for pity sake it took me ages to learn how to add images). So if you have gotten here I am sure the page back button will get you back to someone smarter than I. If you wish to comment so I can learn who you are please do so and I promise to visit and will link when I learn how.

Happy Mailbox Monday.